The big truck arrives next Monday -this time next week we are IN!
While you may well have assumed that we had been sitting back basking in the success of our occupancy inspection, work has relentlessly continued. Relentless, but most fruitful.
There was the leadlighting:
The granite stepped off its flight from Brazil looking surprisingly refreshed:
Sinks were connected:
(This is one of the few parts of the house I am precious about. If you come to visit, do NOT take it upon yourself to wash dishes in this sink. Delicately rinsing a lettuce leaf may be permitted).
Light fittings were,indeed, fitted:
I also saw water pound down from the ceiling mounted shower head in the master suite. It was so awesome the plumber could be forgiven for inviting his offsider to shower with him. "Whatever makes you happy" I encouraged the happy couple.
I am also pleased to report that in the world of building there exists the concept of a builder's clean. This is when a couple of angels descend from on high to somehow turn a building site into a home.
Sills,ledges and shelves were divested of their earthly dust,windows were polished, bathrooms shined, and carpets tamed (oh yes! The carpets were also laid, looking and feeling sumptuous.).
Downstairs splashbacks were also completed. Let me tell you,if you ever use our tiler (and I know there are a few Lovely Building Company future clients out there),the gorgeous Joe is ALWAYS right. Give him your ideas and he will ask you just the right questions and give you just the right answers. He restored my faith in the tiling community.
Just kidding.
But do me a favour. While I know there have been over 5,000 views of this blog, my eldest daughter mocks me for the tiny number of comments I receive here. Do me a favour and leave a one word comment on this post. Your Christmas gift to me. xx.
Homemade House 2014 to follow...