Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pimp my portaloo

So now that the building permit is all approved, the only thing holding us back is us. No more hiding behind plans, applications, reports and so forth. It is time to actually award contracts to real live tradespeople and commit to paying them money to do Serious Construction.

First cab off the rank is the concreter, who will also do the site cut as well as the foundation for the house. He is booked in, deposit is paid! The concreter won me over with not only his lovely quote but also his efficient and professional front of office lady. These people are organised, they coordinate with the other trades, and they are pleasant and helpful. That's good enough for me.

That site cut may well happen in the coming week, the actual concreting process is scheduled for the last week of May.

A plumber needs to come and stick a waste pipe in the right spot first, so I am scurrying to identify someone for that. An electrician to run a small section of conduit for power to island bench later is also needed.

Spent sometime today fretting about surface drainage requirements during construction but the captain of Team Laird issued the advice to contemplate rather than fret. It's all in how you spin it, I guess.

Part of the site set up is installing "facilities". A lovely portaloo arrived yesterday. Ever heard of those tv shows "pimp my ride" and "pimp my crib"? I sent Captain Laird a text about the arrival of the portaloo and got this text back: see photo below.

But why wouldn't you?

(Now taking suggestions for a theme...)

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