Sunday, July 14, 2013


So now we have two houses to clean and maintain!

Captain Laird set off with grim determination and shovel to un-backfill the perimeter of the slab following the Oppositional Defiance Disorder behaviour of Dirt Man last week. With the slab edge all but buried and rains imminent it was only a matter of time before we had an un-intended water feature inside.

Somewhat conveniently, an old friend and colleague resides extremely close by. Whether the continuing school holidays had something to do with it or not, Old Friend was only too willing to join the dig. It took a mere 3 or so hours for the moat to be dug, good honest physical labour for my otherwise desk-bound heroes.

It has been the week for receiving visitors at the new abode too. In addition to the King of Rock (also an old friend), and the Old Friends from around the Corner, I also had the pleasure of receiving the excellent Mrs Harris (from an earlier post) along with her sweet family.

As I always do, I had the broom out before her visit -eager to make a good impression. Her home is always immaculate and I felt quite certain that the massive nails littering my floor would not impress her design eye.

Mrs Harris has her own building project in the pipeline at the moment which is super-convenient as we can happily natter away about matters that would make a normal person go stiff with boredom-induced rigor mortis.

Mrs Harris claims naming rights over the cute nook that affords access to the powder room and laundry. I am a little concerned about her request that it be known as Mrs Harris' Ablution ARENA (!!). It suggests an exhibitionist side of her I didn't know existed but friends are friends and I shall not judge.

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