Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Great things are happening at the Homemade House - in fact so much is going on now that I was going to hold off on a new post until I had taken photos of all that is there now. But it's been so hectic there, I am just going to go ahead with a post anyway, despite a shortfall in the photo file.

Ok - so the best bit was seeing the very last bit of weatherboarding and decorative trim go on the house last Friday:

That's the front of the house, looking pretty. "I just love it!" I gushed to T2, our carpenter. "It's not my taste", he gruffly replied. "And it won't look good when the scaffold comes down until the verandahs are up". He didn't succeed in quashing my buoyant mood however. It was Friday arvo and T2 was most appreciative of a celebratory beer or two to take home. "I'm so thrilled with how the house looks, I felt I should have bought you flowers!" I teased. "Yeah, I would have given them to my wife and told her I bought them" he responded drily. 

Special Ops painters have been chasing T2 around the exterior as well. It's like icing on the cake to see window frames, walls, and fancy bits getting their colour on. Every time I turn around, there's a painter there busily putting a huge amount of effort into getting all that timber into perfect shape - not just pretty but as weatherproof as possible too. 

So the exterior stuff is all going so well we thought why not stick some stuff inside too?
Ducted air con rough-in has been done, assuring me I will not, in fact, be baked alive over the coming Aussie summer.

And what else? Well really serious stuff has started too - plumbing rough-in is well underway. I cheerfully informed the girls that "poo pipes" and "poo holes" had been done - trying to keep it at their level of understanding. "That's not a very lady-like way of speaking" the middle Homemade Kid gravely responded.  The same kid also does not like the "wrinkles" on the roof and is "sick of the red sticks" (scaffolding). Tough crowd.

We continue on our winning streak of truly great tradies, with the arrival of the electricians to do their rough-in as well. They are so pleasant, so helpful, and really "switched on"- just had to say that ;). The house is like a bowl of spaghetti on the inside, cables running all over the place. 

Lots of last minute changes and realisations on our part - this is the bit where we need to problem-solve on the fly. Random questions can come at me at anytime - like, "how high do you want your light switches?" Or "Do you want a trimmer on this cavity?" Or "what's for dinner?".

How would I know?

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