Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The A-Team swings into action

The Quiet Achiever, T2, and the Special Ops Painters were all on deck today, battling weather and circumstance in heroic fashion.

The Quiet Achiever is our trusty plumber, so-named because NOTHING seems to faze him. Not wind, not rain, not a quagmire. Not even my helpful self turning up at lunch time to point out that his very long diagonal trench across our block was not in a good spot if we ever hope to put a pool in. Not too many people would have taken that news so well. But that's his style, just quietly coming along at just the right time and getting stuff done without a drama.

Meanwhile, the much-anticipated morning delivery of the skirting and architraves rolled over into mid-afternoon. I'm looking forward to never dealing with this supplier again. Polite, pleasant and helpful they are not. Feathers were ruffled today, no doubt about it.

Anyway, the minute that delivery was unloaded the Special Ops leapt into action with such speed that another supplier I was meeting with asked nervously if there was some kind of emergency going on.

Skirting boards, super-fast.

Just the kind of emergency triggered when two trades need to be in the same place at the same time and are as determined as each other. I'm presuming it will be pistols at dawn tomorrow to sort that one out.

I should mention that my day on site started with the now-customary greeting "you're not going to talk about that laundry chute again, are you?". I knew it was getting to be a tired issue when I later went out to the kitchen joint for a snap inspection of progress and received the same greeting there! Geez...

I did get to see the exploded version of the cabinetry though. I think. 

T2 later said "well...they told you it was your kitchen, but maybe it wasn't". Ha. Very funny. I would prefer to believe that big pile of doors and drawers waiting to be sprayed are in fact coming to my house next week. 

In other news, I spent a delightful hour or so with the interior decorators. One specialises in colour schemes, one is into drapes and blinds. They have businesses separate to each other but I think they should set up together using the excellent moniker I devised: The Colour Blind Interior Decorators. 

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